Wednesday, January 4, 2012

LDS Parenting: New Year Giveaway!!!!

LDS Parenting: New Year Giveaway!!!!: Here at LDS Parenting we feel that spending time as a family is important!! That is why we are offering a new years giveaway! Your family w...

Saturday, April 3, 2010


It is officially Easter!!! Happy Easter to all of my friends and family.

I haven't posted in a few days, so here goes. On Thursday, we worked in the yard again. Not only are the boys ready to stop working, but the garbage company is not going to want to come by here again. We still have a little to do on the trees in the backyard and rototill the garden and it will be done. Our little garden inside is doing great. We just planted the seeds on Monday and they are pushing the top off the greenhouse. Can't wait to get produce from them.

On Friday, Eric was off work, well sort of, since he didn't work at CES, I had him working for us. We had 2 photo shots to due and I also had our family portaits done. We try and take one every year at Easter. Hope to have them edited and posted within the next week. Then we had Easter Dinner with Jesse's family and the missionaries. Yes we had it early. Dinner was Honey Ham, mac-n-cheese, asparagus, rolls and strawberry shortcake. You have got to love Elder Willis, for such a small guy he can put the food away. Elder Willis loves his sweets. Not only 2 plates full of food, that I saw, he handled 3 bowls of strawberry shortcake. Enjoyed watching Elder Smith taking the asparagus off of Elder Willis' plate. Of course with Easter Dinner you have to have the Easter Egg Hunt. It didn't take the kids very long to find the eggs. I love watching the kids. It was a beautiful day outside and after relaxing a while, Jesse, Kasey, Eric and I went for a motorcycle ride. It is great to have adult time.

The first weekend of April, besides Easter weekend, springtime, it is General Conference. You can't say enough about listening to the apostle's and First Presidency speak. Tomorrow is Easter, well it is 2:11 am, Easter morning and we are heading to Altanta, Georgia for a week. Eric has to go for training and with homeschooling Everett and Arlen has one more day of spring break and not much happening in school this week for him, we are taking a vacation. Plan on Six Flags over Georgia, swimming, and having lots of fun.

Happy Easter!!! Remember our brother Jesus Christ for this season.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Break

This week is spring break for Arlen and Everett. My goal was to get things done around the house. I especially wanted to get the yard cleaned up and ready for spring and summer. On Monday we started working on the front yard. We got the front raked, mowed, edged, weed eated and the trees trimmed. We worked for about 3 hours and got the front done. It looks great!

For a reward for all the hard work the boys took the afternoon and rode the mini bike. The mini bike had been broken for over a year. Last week Arlen and Eric with a little help from Everett fixed it and got it running. The had fun sharing and riding. I even took it out for a spin. Love being skinner ago and able to do some of these things.

I wanted to have a garden this year, so that I could do some canning. I haven't canned for over 10 years, until I started last year making jam. So for FHE we started our garden inside in containers. Little greenhouses. We planted tomatoes, strawberries, watermelon, squash, and cucumbers. We still had a couple of rows not planted, so we decided to get some cantalope seeds.

Tuesday was a different day on the yard. The side and back had alot more leaves. We worked in the yard and did laundry all day. Kasey and Jesse came over and hung out for the day. Jesse even helped with the yard some and Kasey helped with the laundry. We got most of the leaves from the side and backyard raked and bagged. The side is raked, mowed, edged and trees trimmed. Now for the back we have some more work to do on it.

Today is Wednesday and well we didn't do yard work. It is strawberry season here in Louisiana. So today was play day. We had several families from the homeschool group and church go pick strawberries. This years crop is slow because of all the cold weather we have had, but they are very tastee. After picking strawberries we headed to Cici's for lunch. Arlen went home with the Hode's and went to the beach and then to Young Men's in Waveland. Everett and I came home and before I could get my purse and the strawberries down, Everett was already asking to ride the mini bike. He rode it for about 15 minutes and it kept dying on him. So sadly he put it up and started watching TV. I decided to go grocery shopping for our Easter Dinner. Was able to get everything for the menu and saved $35.18. I love saving money. Came home and Everett was just not satisfied with not being able to ride the mini bike and asked if I would help him get it started. I went out and it would start and then die. I mixed gas and filled it up and guess what, it started. Everett rode it about 10 minutes and came it with a broken chain. I think he was going to fast, but he won't admit it. :) So once again the mini bike is broken. We now have our strawberries to make more jam and syrup. Dessert for Easter Dinner is you guessed it "Strawberry Shortcake".

First Blog

Today is the first time I have ever blogged. I am not a writer and don't know what to put on blogs, but am going to give it a shot. Let's see what everyone thinks of this.